Psalms SOAP: Tell of His righteousness!

Day 28 of The Psalms in 60 Days

Today’s Reading: Psalms 71-72

Scripture: Psalm 71:16

I will come and proclaim your mighty acts,

O Sovereign Lord;

I will proclaim your righteousness, yours alone.

Observation: I will tell of your wonderful deeds and give credit where it is due: to the Lord.

Application: The other day I was talking with a friend who was telling me how several things have come together well for her lately. I could tell she wanted to give credit to God for it all happenning, yet she stopped just short, almost as if she was afraid to say how she felt out loud.

I continued her thoughts after she stopped and said how wonderful it was that He was providing for her.

Then I told her how appropriate I think it is to give credit to the Lord and thank him, even though some people may not understand.

I explained a bit about my MS 150 bike rides and how amazed I am that I am able to cycle as far as I am with the strength that the Lord gives me. (I was never an athlete and still don’t consider myself one.) So often when I share my amazement, people point out that I trained many hours to get my body in the condition it needed to be to ride.

But I point out that God is the one who clears my schedule, helps me to find riding partners and allows my muscles to strengthen. He gives me what I need to grow, and he puts incredible people in my path to motivate me, pray for me and keep me where I need to be.

It is God who is behind it all, and I need to share that.

And my friend needed to know that it was more than okay for her to share God’s hand in her life, as well.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the blessings you continue to share with me. I am amazed at how faithful you are. Thank you.

Please, Lord, embolden me to share the true source of my strength, whatever type of strength it may be and whatever the situation may be.

And embolden all of your believers to recognize and share their true source of strength and blessings: YOU!

Help believers encourage believers to share and not stay quiet. Guide us as we proclaim your mighty acts and righteousness. And thank you, Lord for that!

Dear Readers: I’d love to hear some of the wonderful things God has done for you. Won’t you share at least one here in the comments?

Tomorrow’s Reading: Psalms 73-74

If you aren’t already, I’d love for you to join our journey through the Psalms through the end of June. Jump in today, or, for the Psalms in 60 Days schedule, please visit Ruth in the Desert.

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One response to “Psalms SOAP: Tell of His righteousness!”

  1. Ashlee Cash Avatar
    Ashlee Cash

    I’m always amazed at how the Lord blesses me and takes care of my needs. I was sharing this with the 10-12 year old girls’ Sunday School Class one morning. I’d had given them examples of how Jesus has always provided for my husband and me – sometimes in ways we never expected. That afternoon, a neighbor that we didn’t really even know, stopped by and gave us two boxes of clothes for our newborn baby!! God is good – all the time!

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