Are you a blogger using SOAP to help you hear God better as you read through the Bible?
Posting your SOAP observations can be a great accountability tool, and it can also be a fantastic way to live as instructed in Philemon 1:6:
I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.
I know that, for me, my faith has multiplied and my understanding of our God has also increased as a result of SOAP’ing through the Bible and sharing it with you. I also have no doubt my actions have encouraged others to explore their own relationship with our Father.
When I first started sharing my SOAP observations in 2008, I would journal into a notebook and then type my words (and His) into the computer and post. Soon, I skipped the notebook step and just typed for efficiency’s sake.
Recently, I went back and added the notebook step, and it has changed my experience. I find that I when I journal first into a notebook, sometimes I hear things differently than I might when typing. I worry less about sentence composition or what others might think and can focus more on really listening to the Holy Spirit.
Often, when I go back to transcribe, I get another perspective or an expanded perspective on what I wrote earlier.
Yes, this process takes longer, but it has been worth the extra time to hear more about what God has for me and what God wants me to share.
I have felt pulled to share this with you for two days. So, if you are SOAPing and posting your SOAP observations, consider adding an extra step and see if you hear anything different. The extra step will be worth it. (Isn’t spending extra time with Him always worth it?)
If you aren’t already, please consider joining us as we SOAP through the Gospels every day through July 10. I post the weekly schedule every Sunday night and the next day’s devotional each evening.
After that, consider reading (and possibly) Blogging Through the Bible in 90 Days with us beginning July 11.
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