SOAP Daily Devotional: My hope is that all who read my words will follow Christ

When I’m not reading through the Bible in 90 Days, I use this reading plan to keep me in the Word daily.

If you aren’t already following a daily plan, or you are between plans, I hope you’ll consider joining me. Just jump in on today’s date.

Today’s Reading: Job 17, Acts 24-26

Here’s what I heard today using SOAP:

Scripture: Acts 26: 29

Paul replied, “Short time or long– I pray God that not only you but all who are listening to me today may become what I am, except for these chains.”


However long it takes, I hope that all who hear my message will become followers of Jesus Christ.


I also hope that all who hear my messages will come to embrace Jesus Christ and follow His leading and teaching, claiming Him for their Savior.

This can happen only if I do my best to speak the truth and speak in love.


Lord, thank you for sending your son to take my punishment and die for my sins, as well as all the sins of anyone who embraces you through Him. Please, Lord, guide me in living a life that says “Thank you,” to you and that points others to your grace, love and forgiveness. Thank you for allowing me to use my writing to honor you and guide others into the study of your Word. Lord, please guide me in sharing you, your Word and your love in only the ways you intend, so that I will honor you alone.


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