SOAP: Love is patient in parenting, too

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:4

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

Observation: I so soften think of this verse in terms of my husband or grown family members. This morning my children came to mind.

Application: Sometimes I get frustrated with my children and then I’m not as patient as I could be. Sometimes I am not patient because of something they might be doing repeatedly. And sometimes I am not patient because I am in the middle of doing something I want to do and their interruption frustrates me. (I’m giving you some true confessions here, folks.)

I need to remember to be patient always. Sure, I need to teach my children appropriate times and ways to interrupt. But I also need to remember when interrupted to respond appropriately and in love.

(As I was writing that my son just came down and interrupted with a question. How funny!)

The rest of the verse rings true in parenting, as well. How easy is it to get caught up in our own children and let a bit of our self-worth be wrapped up in them?

Comparing to others and envying and/or boasting is not good either. Instead build your children and support other’s too. And recognize that every child and family is different. All children of God have different gifts, as I wrote about yesterday.

Prayer: Lord, Thank you for reminding me of how your word can make me a better parent.

Guide me today and always to keep control of my temper and selfish ways and instead be patient and kind with my children. Always.

Help me to teach and train them as you would have me do so. And guide me to do always do so in love.

Thank you for your love and patience with me.


5 responses to “SOAP: Love is patient in parenting, too”

  1. Somebody's Mimi Avatar
    Somebody’s Mimi

    I want you women to know that your prayers are answered… even though you may not realize it at that “screaming” moment. Keep praying and each day will get better.

  2. This is a great reminder! I am dealing with this on a daily basis and pray for patience about 10 times a day!!! I can relate….such a hard balance..teaching and implementing!

  3. Just wanted to let you know that I have a bloggy award for you on my blog :)
    .-= Twinkle Mom ´s last blog ..Book Reflections-Chapter 6″ Unlikely Lessons From a Pineapple” =-.

  4. Now THIS is what I’ve been dealing with lately. Especially this week. It seems that the walls around me are closing in on me. With homeschooling six children, I hear the word “MOMMY, MOMMY, MOMMY!!!” all day long!!
    Lord knows I try not to snap at them when I’ve heard my “name” for the umpteenth time. I find myself repenting and apologizing more than I happy to admit these days.
    Even though my temperament is usually mild, even we peaceful folk have an edge that we’re pushed over.
    Thank you for this post and the prayer!!

    Thank you also for your comment over at Like a Warm Cup of Coffee. :)
    .-= Kela´s last blog ..Am I Selfish? =-.

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