SOAP: Whenver you seek him you will find him

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 15:2 (partial)

…The Lord will stay with you as long as you stay with him! Whenever you seek him, you will find him…

Observation: God will be there whenever you call out to him and whenever you work to build your relationship.

Application: It is comforting for me to know that God will always be there for me.

There were times in my life when I slipped away, praying here and there but didn’t devote much time to our relationship and yet he was always there, listening and just waiting for me seek him more completely.

At times I wondered why others seemed to know him better than I did. And I wanted to have that understanding. But I wanted it instantly, not quite appreciating that my relationship with God is one that I must nurture.

Yes, he is always there, but in seeking him I will find him and understand our relationship more and more.

A better understanding of God wasn’t just going to pop up without a bit of effort…and what a payoff for just a little bit of effort!

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for always being there. Thank you for waiting on me and showing yourself to me even when I didn’t make much time for you.

Thank you for showing me how to make time for my relationship with you and, consequently allowing me to know you better and better. Please allow the gift of this relationship to continue and guide me in serving you.


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