Tag: 2 Corinthians
This week’s daily Bible reading & #SOAPDevo: 2 Corinthians 6-12
Happy Monday and welcome to December! For the first time for as long as I can remember, our Christmas tree is already up and it is just the first of December! Wooo-Hooo! To be honest, this might also be the first year in many that our tree has been up before the 15th of December,…
B 90 Days SOAP: I am His letter
Day 82 of the Bible in 90 Days Scripture:2 Corinthians 3:2 You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody. Observation: You are the representative of Christ and, for some, the only Bible they will ever read. Application: What do I say through my actions and words? What kind of…