Tag: Bible in 90 Days testimonial
Guest Post: What one mentor found in reading the Bible in 90 Days
When I first saw a something on Twitter about reading the Bible in 90 Days, I was intrigued. I had started several year-long reading plans but had never completed them. Something always came up: a move, kids, work. I could never make it through a complete year. How did I ever think that I could…
Guest Post: Why Use the Bible in 90 Days Bible?
When I first set out to read the Bible in 90 Days, I was determined to be successful. For me, that meant researching methods that helped others to be successful and gleaning as many tips as possible. One of the first tips that I came across is to set aside my regular Bible and read…
Guest Post: Why read through the Bible in 90 Days?
Why read through the Bible in 90 days? It sounds like so much work. I already read through the Bible each year. What if I get behind? How will I ever catch up? These were all of my considerations when I first read about the read through the Bible in 90 days challenge. I had…
Bible in 90 Days: Wisdom from one who Leaned on Him… and finished in 47 days
I received this email from a new Bible in 90 Days grad. Yes, that’s right, she has already finished her reading. But there is much more to her story. Read it and let it wash over you… Hi Amy, I never officially signed up for your Bible in 90 Days, but I started reading with…