What is SOAP? (Or How do I journal my journey?)

My church’s senior pastor shared a simple, yet meaningful journaling format called SOAP back in December to help us get more from our daily reading. It took me a few months to fully adopt it, but since I have, it has made a tremendous difference in my prayer life.

I am applying it to a Bible in a year reading plan, but you could apply it to any study or reading format to go one step deeper and really listen to what God might have to say to you through your reading. And by logging your entries, it will be a snap to look back later on and see what you have learned.

All you need for your study/ journaling time is your Bible, a notebook, pen and about 20 minutes, depending on the length of your passage.

Here’s what I do:

Pray, asking God to guide me through His Word and clear my mind of distractions.

Read the passage and find the one thing I believe God is telling me that morning. Then I journal about it using the acrostic SOAP as a guide.

S: Scripture-Write the ONE scripture that I feel God is using to speak to me in today’s reading

O: Observation-What might He be telling me with that scripture?

A: Application-How can I apply it to my life?

P: Prayer-What is my prayer to ask God in helping me to make that application?

When I am finished, I look back over the entry and come up with a short title and write it on the top of the page. Then I go back to the front of my journal and log the title. This way, I can easily look back and find the messages God has sent me.

As you try this out, feel free to get as detailed as you like, but simple answers are perfectly acceptable. This journal is only between you and God and whomever else you may want to share it with, no need to try to impress. Just write from your heart. And try your best to really listen to Him. Clear your mind and listen. Then write.

I log all of my entries in a spiral-bound notebook and then I expand on them here in my blog. Yes, blogging about it probably does change my responses a bit because I am inviting an audience to join me. But by journaling on paper first, I can get out all of my thoughts without worrying what all of you might think. Then I listen to what God is directing and type away.

If you haven’t read any of my entries, just scroll through my blog or do a category search for SOAP. You’ll find one for each day and see how simple it can be… and yet also very enlightening.

This journaling format has really worked for me. I hope that it can lead you, too, to experience a fuller relationship with Christ and our Heavenly Father.

And if you’d like to check out all sorts of real-life solutions to all sorts of other things, check out Works for Me Wednesday at Rocks in my Dryer.


18 responses to “What is SOAP? (Or How do I journal my journey?)”

  1. […] I’m going to read God’s word. I’m going to SOAP my journey (click the link to learn what this stands for) each day. I’m also excited to say […]

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this! I came over from IE Mommy and am so glad that I did. Now it seems I have another blog to subscribe to :) Can’t wait to read more!

  3. […] had some “thing” that I was drawn to.  One particular site that I really enjoyed was Mom’s Tool box.  As I was visiting her site I discovered this amazing acronym that any of us can use to learn the […]

  4. […] blog is full of wonderful encouragement and Bible studies following the SOAP method. I have learned so much from reading her posts and have begun to apply this method in my own prayer […]

  5. […] Something that has helped me to be in the Word much more, and to get more meaning from my reading, is the SOAP method. […]

  6. […] many of us are reading through the Bible in a year. I’ve been using that schedule for my SOAP devotionals and plan to continue that schedule even when I complete […]

  7. […] began posting my daily devotionals, I was excited to learn of other bloggers who are also using the SOAP method and are sharing them on their own blogs. So all of our readers could hear more of what we are […]

  8. Oh, I like this! Thanks for the GREAT idea!

  9. pennstatecutie Avatar

    Thanks so much for sharing that – if you read some of my recent blog entries, you will see how my relationship with God has been struggling, so this might be just what I need to get it back.. Thanks!

  10. One of the best tips of the day. Thanks for sharing. I will remember it especially when I need some spiritual cleansing. (SOAP) :)

  11. Angela Avatar

    Being a RN I use a SOAP format in my work each day. Now everytime I use it in work I will be reminded of my God and His Word!

    Thank you for sharing and blessings!!

  12. Thanks for this tip, I have not heard that acronym before but I think it is something that can stick in my brain. I will use this!

  13. that is a great plan – I am going to save this so I can work on implementing it into my QT. Thanks much!

  14. alwayswithme Avatar

    What a great idea, this is something I remember being taught before but had forgotten. Thank you for the reminder. I look forward to reading through your blog.


  15. WEEBLE Avatar


  16. Enjoyer of the Journey Avatar
    Enjoyer of the Journey

    Thank you for this! I am a beginning Christian and have been looking for a way to dive more in depth into my Bible Studies.

  17. What a neat idea to title the journal entries! I hadn’t thought of that before. I also like to do Bible reading and journaling for my quiet time, focusing on specific verses that jump out at me, but titling the entries will help me to be more organized. It’s a pain to look back through the journal looking for something in particular!

  18. This is great! Thank you for this!

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