Where can I get some patience?

I am not the most patient parent in the world… or even in my house sometimes. But I am working on it, as you could tell from my 2009 goals.

I yell less than I used to, not that I am proud to write that. But I am trying to go with honesty here.

Even though I may not yell, I know my frustration has to be obvious to my children, who are only 2, 5 and 7. I get irritated pretty easily, although I wish I didn’t. By the end of the day, the spilled milk, the playing with the food, the not listening (or remembering) and the arguing, among other things, really get to me.

How do the rest of you handle that? I wish I could be kind and say “That’s okay, sweetie! Just grab a towel and help me clean up this mess. We all make mistakes.” Or “Listen better next time,” in a sweet voice.

But instead I all too often huff, clean it up/reprimand/whatever.

I know I am not reacting the way God would have me react. I know I am not following his example at all. And I know I am teaching my children poor behavior by example. And I really struggle with this.

Any guidance out there? I don’t want to be a mean mommy. I love my children. They truly are gifts that I treaure. So why do I sometimes not treat them as such? Help!!!



3 responses to “Where can I get some patience?”

  1. Somebody's Mimi Avatar
    Somebody’s Mimi

    I agree that yelling and being huffy is not the right way to raise a child or to gain their respect. BUT WE ALL DO IT! Not all of the time but some of the time. I did it when I was raising my children (sorry to say), my Mom did it A LOT when she was raising her 3 children (she was known though out the town for her, well, loudness). But I think children remember the hugs, kisses, closeness, and genuine love. Some how that lack of control and shouting will go away and all the goodness you have will prevail. Hang in there and keep listening to your inner self… and sloooow down… it all will get done, but your kids should come before… well, you know.

  2. Oh gosh you are definitely not alone. Motherhood is hard and it requires us to give ourselves the same grace that God provides to us each and every day. Way easier said than done, I know that first hand. The biggest factor that has helped me out is learning to recognize what really pushes my buttons and avoiding that at all costs. For me it wasn’t necessarily what the kids were doing but that I was trying to do to many things at once. They just got the brunt of that. Letting go of outside activities and just staying home has helped tremendously and provided me with the breathing room I so desperately craved. Not having to rush anywhere has taken so much pressure off me and my whole family has benefitted by it.

    I hope that helps a little bit. Just remember tomorrow is another day. Oh and my favorite mantra is slow and steady wins the race, repeated over and over and over again :)

  3. Well other than the ages of your kids (mine are 3, 2, and 2!!) I could have written this myself. And how you are feeling is exactly why I am reading other blogs rather than doing my bible study!!! I am feeling too guilty about being such a grouch today!

    I am hoping one of your readers will provide some inspiring advice that we can both benefit from.

    If it makes you feel better, I feel better knowing I am not alone in this. Thanks for writing what I needed to hear!!! And now I am off to do my bible study (and pray for you).

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